Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8

Over the summer I’ve shot well over 30 bands in various venues. Over that time I felt the need to invest in new equipment, in this case a very specific lens. Previously I’ve been shooting with a 70-200mm F2.8 that has been great for 50% of general shots, but because I’ve been moving into gig photography I need a wider lens that allows me to get right to the front, but also give a broader scope in my photos; hence my purchase of the excellent Nikon 24-70 F2.8. I strongly advise getting the Nikon lens as opposed to the Sigma equivalent.

Fast forward a few weeks to now and now I’m looking at yet another lens; the Nikon 14-24 F2.8. I don’t actually NEED this lens, but it would be a great weapon to use in tight areas, crowd shots and amazing distorts at close focal ranges. Just have a look at Todd’s use of this lens below:

However, the real conundrum is justifying the price of this lens compared to my ultimate purchase… the Nikon D3. For now, I’ll continue to shoot with my the awesome lenses I currently have. I cannot stress enough how very very cool my 50mm, 70-200mm and 24-70mm are for gig shoots. With wedding season coming up very soon, I’ll be pushing these lenses to the limits. Low light, fast and tight focusing and creative options.

I think the last word should be left to you…do you think I should get this lens or the Nikon D3 bad boy?

The 24-24mm strapped onto a D3. Just look at how big it is!

Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8

~ by Terry Lee on September 4, 2008.

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